How to work with Global references and anchors

You can bring forward and re-use, in your localized promotional job, the Global references and anchors.

Depending on the Global material (StoryCards / Resource) you have based on your local promotional job, there are two different actions you can make. See the video to know how: When your local promotional job is based on a Resource:

  1. Make a copy of the Global Resource.
  2. Name your new local promotional job as you wish, following your local taxonomy if there is any.
  3. Modify the metadata fields needed in your local copy (country, language, etc.)
  4. Upload the new version of the localized job.
  5. Go to “Annotation” section at the top left.  Select the ”Bring forward annotations” icon: the system will bring the references/annotations forward (with anchors) placing them linked to the original claims position.