Creating a Veeva Approved Email with tokens
In the videos below you will watch a complete end to end from creation to publishing a Veeva email using Veeva Vault PromoMats, Assembler Online and Veeva CRM app
Content Academy: Veeva Email Expert – discovering tokens
Content Academy: Veeva Email Master – syncing with Veeva CRM app
- Download the PromoMats to CRM integration user guide and take a look to the CRM integration Playbook site.
- Take 3 min. to watch a quick Assembler guide video and learn more in Assembler Academy
1. Create an Email Material/Advertisement (PDF+HTML)
- [Brand manager] The job owner creates a Material/Advertisement, resource type: Email.
- Collaboration between job owner and agency is made through “Request Revised Content” action.
- [Internal designers/agency] authors the Email. In this point is where the tokens must be placed.
- [Brand manager] When the final Email proposal is ready, “Sharing settings” can be used to transfer the material ownership to the corresponding person if needed.
- The Email Material is summited through the local country’s PromoMats MLR process until Approve for Production status.
[standard roles in the org. which are orientative ]
Check our Veeva Tokens text collection, ready to use with Assembler Online by clicking here!
2. Create the email template (HTML)
[Internal designers/agency] Click on Create/Placeholder
Document Type: Email Template. Click NEXT.
3. Fill the Metadata Properly
[Internal designers/ agency]
Complete the Information required fields (shaded in yellow) per your country’s process:
- Name Use local naming convention
- Description recommended
- Country
- Language
- CRM Product Select your product. It will NOT contain your country’s prefix.
- Business Unit – All
- Local fields used in your country
Navigate to the Email Fields and complete the required fields per your country’s process:
- From Address {{userEmailAddress}}
- Subject corresponding email subject
- If desired, complete option fields
SAVE the Email Template
4. Upload HTML and images
[Internal designers/ agency]
Upload HTML file by clicking on upload file in the main area in the Email Template placeholder. Where do users can find the HTML and images? They can obtain a Production Package stored in the component’s section of the advertisement material. IMPORTANT. That Production package is a restricted component and only the owner can view it. To make it visible for everyone, the Production Package should be in an Approve for Use status or the digital publisher should have an Asset Librarian role. Are you interested in becoming an Asset Librarian? Submit a ticket by clicking here
Upload images: compress the images folder in a .zip file. Upload the images .zip file by clicking on the Assets’ plus icon.
5. Include PIlink, ISIlink, PieceLink
- These reference documents can be related by a token with the email templates and email fragments in Vault PromoMats. The recipients of the final email will click on the links to view these documents in the Vault Viewer in their browser.
- These reference documents are hosted in Vault PromoMats and there’s no sync needed to share through the email template and/or email fragment. When the recipient clicks to see the document, it will be shown the latest version of that approved document; if the document is withdrawn then it won’t be available. Users can make the documents downloadable.
How to include a Piece Link with in the Email template and/or Email fragment
The email template should include one of these tokens:
- {{PieceLink}} Displays a URL to the Vault document associated as the Related Piece.
- {{ISILink}} Expands to a URL pointing to a Vault document of type Important Safety Information.
- {{PILink}} Displays a URL to a Prescribing Information Vault document.
And then, in Veeva Vault PromoMats’ email template and/or fragment, scroll down in the right index to find the Related ISI, Related PI, Related Piece
Click on the plus icon to include the appropriate document. Each of these sections are related to a determined token:
- Related ISI document will appear in the {{ISILink}} token.
- Related PI document will appear in the {{PILink}} token.
- Related Piece document will appear in the {{PieceLink}} token.
Include the token as a link, it means to place the token inside the href attribute.
6. Creating a Template fragment/Email fragment
Create the Email fragment
[internal designers / agency]
Click on Create/Placeholder.
Classify Document – click binoculars: Type – Template fragment or Email Fragment. Click NEXT.
Fill the Metadata Properly
[internal designers/ agency]
There are four mandatory fields, Name, Country, Language and CRM product. Must be filled in accordance with the Email template.
Relate fragment
[internal designers / agency]
Return to the Email Template and include the template fragment /email fragment on Related Template Fragments/ Related email fragments section clicking on the blue plus icon.
To search for you Template Fragment/Email fragment paste the document ID into the search field or select from the dropdown menu your lists of “favorites”.
Upload HTML and images
[internal designers / agency]
Upload HTML file by clicking on upload file in the main area in the Email Template placeholder.
Upload images: compress the images folder in a .zip file. Upload the images .zip file by clicking on the Assets’ plus icon.
7. Change status on Email template and Template fragment/Email fragment
[internal designers / agency]
Press on the gear icon and choose Stage for Testing in the dropdown menu to move forward the Email template and the Template fragment to CRM Sandbox environment to check and test. Choose YES.
8. Quality Check
[internal designers/ agency / Brand manager/ medical reviewer]
The Technical Approver will do a functional review of the AE in the Veeva CRM iRep app (on the iPad or web app) to confirm the AE meets the needs of the device/platform standards.
Note: this step should take place after the original Email material Document is AFP but before the Material Document is AFD, following your country’s MLR process.
9. Approve for Distribution status for the original Email material
[Brand manager] If the functional check is successful, the Job Owner changes de Email Material to AFD status by clicking on the gear icon.
[internal designers/ agency / Brand manager/ medical reviewer]
The Technical Approver links the original Email Material to the Email Template: From within the Email Template document, navigate to the Linked Document tab in the Information panel
- Click the blue + sign to add the Email Material. Search by document number or your favorite list and click the green + sign to add the document, then choose Close.
10. Approve for use status for the Email template and Email/Template fragment
[internal designers/ agency / Brand manager/ medical reviewer]
If the Email Material is AFD, and linked, the Technical Approver manually moves forward the Email Template document and Template Fragment from STAGED to APPROVED by clicking on the Gear icon.
This status moves automatically the AE to Veeva CRM Production. It stays on the sales team’s iPad App until it expires automatically, when the Email Material does expire.