Collaborate using Assembler

Find out how to work with your colleagues or partners on Assembler


An important consideration is that the person you’re going to collaborate with will need to have access to the components of the project, meaning if you’re developing a piece for market X, your collaborator will need to have access to components of market X. Keep in mind users only have access by default to Global content and their own market content. If your use case is different, request extended permissions here


To start the collaboration workflow, simply click on the top-right gear icon in your project, select the “Request Revised Content” option in which you can add a collaborator’s email, notes and a due date. The collaborator will receive the task both in PromoMats and via an email notification.

Keep in mind only one single user can “Open in Assembler” and apply changes. If your use case is different, as several users are going to apply changes in the Assembler tool, please request extended permission of “Content Steward” here.

If you want that your collaborator can see always your material, even if their task is completed, we recommend to manually share it in the Sharing settings, adding him/her as Content Creator. You can add as many Content Creators as you need so that they can view your material.

Do you want to relate Content to your Material to re-use it? 

Remember that when you collaborate, “Shopping Cart” or “Favorite list” are individual to each user, so your partner or collaborator will not see them. You must relate the content to the Material. 

To relate Material content type, such as StoryCards, use “Related Materials” section inside your Material.

To relate Components content type, such as images, icons or logos, use “Components” section inside your Material


Considerations to keep in mind:

External collaborators, such as Agencies, cannot view the related documents to the Material for compliance reasons.  Therefore Agencies cannot see the “Related Materials section”. If you want to request extended permission for your Agency in order they can see all Material types for your brand and country, go here.

Otherwise you will need to “Make a Copy” of each StoryCard Material. Then add them in “Related Materials” and then open the StoryCard Material copied, and in the “Sharing setting” section, add your agency’s user as “Content Creator”.


When accessing the task in PromoMats, your collaborator will be able to open the project in Assembler and either review it or modify it, having the option of uploading the changes as a new version. 

If two users, owner and collaborator, want to apply changes and edits, BOTH of them inside the Assembler tool, they will need to request Content Steward role, request the role here.


Once the reviews and changes are made, your colleague or partner can simply mark the task as complete, after which you can assign a new one with new notes or go for approval.


In order to make the Material ready to be shared among the team and reused, the owner is responsible to move to “Approve for Use” all the components linked inside of a material. The better moment is when the Material is in “Approve for Production” status, as there will be no more changes, and before moving it to “Approve for Distribution”, which is a steady state.

Which is the advantage of “Approving for Use” components?: Keep in mind that if the Material has linked components in “Draft” status, third users will copy the material but the Components will not travel to the copy. For that reason, is important to take special attention to approve the .json file (if the material is Assembler-ready) and the Production Package. Therefore, source artwork files will be available. In addition if you use Assembler authoring tool, making your Components Approved for Use, will enable anybody from your team to make a copy and have complete edition power on their new derivative because all the source Components are available for them as well. Learn more about Approving Components for Use here