The image in the images section is N/A and I cannot see the thumbnail.

Please check if your image follows the rules:

When uploading images from your desktop to Assembler you must upload:
Source file (.psd/.ai file): to ensure that the image does not lose quality
Low rendition (.png/.jpg): this rendition is needed for Assembler and digital materials (e.g., Emails)
High rendition – optional (.png/.jpg): You can upload to Content Builder image up to 5 MB per file.

When the image come from an ASSET in PromoMats via shopping cart or Favorites, check in the ASSET document:

There is in the Document File section (right side of the metadata) under Renditions:

Sizes of the images:
The recommended size for the full screen pictures for Email are:
HI 1536 w x 1536h
LO 768w x 768h

How do I name my project images?
Include 6-digit prefix at beginning of images to prevent duplicates.
Never use spaces, always use underscores
Do not include job specific codes (i.e., Resource Codes)
Keep image names using lowercase characters.
Keep image names simple, but descriptive and try to use the type quality on the name as: graphic, chart, model, brand, photo, etc.… (i.e.,
Limit image names to no more than 35 characters (including prefix + file extension)

Contact MARCAPS Support Center for more troubleshooting.