I cannot see the image preview in Assembler, but I can see it in Veeva PromoMats
The problem occurs because there is a limit of 2000 pixels (wide or tall) on images in Assembler. The way to solve the issue is resizing your Low image to 2000 pixels or lower. it’s good to try to get the Low file MB/size down as well. It is also good to add a High image to assets that will be used in iPads. The source file in Veeva PromoMats does not have size limitations that it is the reason to be visible. It is important to check the size of the image and revised it if required.
The HI and LO renditions are used by Assembler to export the production final files.
The LO will be used in the digital materials as Emails and the HI in iPads.
Important to highlight: Sizes of the images
The images should be adjusted to the final material they will be used in.
For example, an email needs small size images in order to have a good result in the several email clients using mobile networks. The optimization of these pictures is very important.
Here we will talk about the most important points on those images.
Please feel free to share with your creative teams or agencies if they have any question about it or just keep in mind this advice when you request or create a new piece of content. HI and LO renditions size
The recommended size for the full screen pictures for iPad is:
- HI 2048 w x 1536h
- LO 1024 w x 768 h
This could be applied to all the horizontal pictures that you can always use in full screen mode.
The recommended size for the full screen pictures for Email are:
- HI 1536 w x 1536h
- LO 768w x 768h
In the Emails case the images could be smaller depending on the use (e.g. a logo could be 400 pixel width if that is the biggest size it will be used on the emails)
Right records
Remember to have the reproduction and copyright records for your market purchased, in order to set them up in PM