Get ASMOL Certifications

Are you interested in becoming certified in Assembler Academy? Achieving this certification can enhance your professional skill set and become a proficient user. Obtaining a certification from the Assembler Academy is a straightforward process that consists of several simple steps.

1. Watch the webinar sessions and complete the Mini-Module Lab Exercise, which serves as a practical demonstration of your knowledge and proficiency.
Check the list of the Mini-Modules available below.

2. Request access to training environment sending an email to training_environment.

3. Once you have completed the exercise, fill out the form providing your details and contact information. Don’t forget to attach your finalized exercise in PDF!

4. You will receive an email with specific instructions to proceed further.

5. By following the steps outlined in the email, you will be able to download your well-deserved diploma and badge, signifying your accomplishment in the Assembler Academy.

List of Mini-Modules available

Assembler Academy Email Certification

LevelNameTimeMain Learning ObjectiveLab. ExercisePresentation slidesWatch webinar recording
Email A1Mini-Module A1 Authoring content15 – 45 minUsers will learn how to build a structure in Assembler Online through different layouts, how to author content directly on the artboard, how to include images from the desktop to the artboard, and how to include a new reference citation in the body message.HQ-NON-00072Presentation SlidesWebinar session
Email A2Mini-Module A2 Importing content15 – 45 minUsers will learn different ways of importing content in Assembler Online: from Utility Cards and StoryCards by adding them to the users’ favorites list or related materials. Also, users will learn how to manage references.HQ-DIA-00020Presentation slidesWebinar session
Email B1Mini-Module B1 Advanced Edition15 – 45 minUsers will learn how flexible Assembler On-Line is to build any design and color combination.HQ-NON-00084 Presentation slidesWebinar session
Email B2Mini-Module B2 Buttons and elements15 – 45 minUsers will learn how to add and customize buttons and spacers.HQ-DIA-00042 Presentation slidesWebinar Session
Email C1Mini module C1 Create your Template15 – 45 min Users will learn how to customize and create a new Template, including Text Collections and Reusable Layouts features.HQNON-00127 Presentation slidesWebinar Session
Email C2Mini module C2 Approve and publish15 – 45 minUsers will learn to Approve and publish a new Template in the PromoMats Portal area.HQ-NON-00155Presentation slidesWebinar Session

Assembler Academy iPad Certification

NameTimeMain Learning ObjectiveLab. ExercisePresentation slidesWatch webinar recording
iPad & Engage Meetings NEWCOMERS15 – 45minA basic Assembler On-line overview: how to import content from PromoMats, author, and use references citations in the body message and ref. page. Preview, upload to PromoMats and take a look to the final PDF and HTML.
Presentation slidesWebinar Session
iPad & Engage Meetings BEGINNER15 – 45 minCreate one screen with content from a SC, screens options, thumbnails, Screen background image, opacity and icons. HQ-LEN-00003Presentation slidesWebinar session
iPad & Engage Meetings INTERMEDIATE15 – 45 minCreate 3 screens with navigation, buttons design options and layout, cell background. Multi-tab document containing content screen, popup, second content screen (working with text collections and multiple nav options)HQ-LEN-00020Presentation slidesWebinar session
iPad & Engage Meetings EXPERT15 – 45 minCreate 5 screens, one with a complex layout (2 or 3 columns, with graphs or photos), footnotes and study design Pop Up, Reference screen, links and SSI elementHQ-NON-00332Presentation slidesWebinar session