In which resolution should I upload my images to Assembler?
When uploading images from your desktop to Assembler you must upload:
- Source file (.psd/.ai file): to ensure that the image does not lose quality
- Low rendition (.png/.jpg): this rendition is needed for Assembler and digital materials (e.g Emails)
- High rendition – optional (.png/.jpg): this rendition is used in materials such as iPads.
Sizes of the images
HI and LO renditions size
The recommended size for the full screen pictures for iPad is:
- HI 2048 w x 1536h
- LO 1024 w x 768 h
The recommended size for the full screen pictures for Email are:
- HI 1536 w x 1536h
- LO 768w x 768h
In this case the images could be smaller depends on the use (e.g. a logo could be 400 pixel width if that is the biggest size it will be used on the emails)