Portal Widgets
To make users’ search even easier, each portal has widgets which are shortcuts organized in different categories related to the search topic: Starter Templates, Storycards, Resources…Find preapprove and relevant content just with one click away. Widgets can be adapted according to the market requirements. Some examples below:
The Storycard communicates a single idea, and it is formed by small components of information: combining text and images (e.g: an efficacy message, a patient profile, etc.). In addition it contains references. All the information has been approved by the global medical team and is kept up-to-date with the last researches and studies.
Useful components prepared to be reused! Brand Iconography and Imagery.
The Storyline is a way of organizing the content and its structure is formed by Chapters and Subchapters, according to the content of an specific brand. E.g.: Content can be divided in scientific studies, in patient type, efficacy, safety, etc. depending on the brand marketing strategy.
Starter templates are channel-enabled templates configured to create promotional materials (E.g.: iPAD, email, detail Aid…), ready to use with Assembler or InDesign. They include the corresponding channel size, structure, and Brand book styles.
Utility Cards are the brand books, structured as binders. They might contain the logos, most used scientific papers annotated, campaign images, buttons for digital channels etc.
The Materials widget shows a repository of finished assets. Global teams will publish in this section finished jobs such as iPad eDetails, Detail aids, videos and other complete tactics.
The strategy widget contains strategy documents, where the guidelines of the brand’s strategy are explained.
Some of the regions and countries whose Portal is active and open to users have decided to choose an specific widgets to be in tune with the necessities and requirements of their specific markets.
Countries like France or Germany decided to include a widget where users can find quickly key-visuals, templates, logos, storycards of a concrete Brand or therapeutic area:
France decided to create a widget exclusively dedicated to Text Collections, to help modular content users to pick there all the re-usable blocks of content like footers or tokens:
Interested to share your audiovisual original content across your region? Choose the Audio Widget and Video widget as Germany!