Assembler Online v.8.7 Release Notes
Table’s versatility
In Assembler 8.6 and prior, it is only possible to add a column to the whole layout.
Assembler 8.7 provides a lot more flexibility:
- The + icon is now visible on the bottom and right side border of each cell. Clicking the bottom + in any cell will add an additional row. Note that a bottom blue + will add a row across the full width of the layout and a right hand side blue + will add a full height column.
- Clicking the cell right side + will split the cell in half.
- Cells can be split until their width is 10 pixels. Columns can be resized by grabbing the edge and sliding. Width of selected column and column to the right is displayed while resizing.
- Cells can be resized by entering pixel values for width. Just like images, buttons can now be resized using pixel values.
- Hover icons are redesigned to be smaller for finer control with the new table features.
Reusable Layouts
- Reusable Layouts:
- Edits to reusable layouts are blocked while they are being saved to avoid integrity errors.
- See Visual Renditions in PromoMats for Reusable Layouts
- Confirm if translation is required when there is a change in either the country and language
- See the document number in the asset panel when viewing a storycard or text collection. Documents numbers are also shown for components, images and reference citations within these resources
- Directly enter padding configuration for all sides without having to check “More options” as it will be checked by default.
Color Bullets
- Make bullet color the same as associated text. (Next release will allow bullets be a separate color.
Other features
- Use an extended character set in project names which were previously causing errors when generating PDFs. Examples are |< > : ” \ | ? *.
- Get improved notification when a non-Assembler project is opened. Message is updated because the “Open in Assembler” option will be (post Jan 25) visible on more documents than before.
Issues Solved
Issue where story card that was translated inline was not droppable onto a new resource. Text and buttons meta-data is now fixed to match the metadata of the story card. User still needs to confirm image and reference components match in country and language.