Assembler Online Quick Guide


Take a look at our Assembler Showcase presentation, Assembler Online Quick Guide

1. How to log into our Training Environment or Production Environment

Veeva Vault PromoMats Training environmentVeeva Vault PromoMats Production Environment
Platform purposePM Training Environment is addressed to users who want to practice, test, train, and learn more about Assembler works.Production Environment is addressed to create materials for authentic promotional communications finally approved and sent to HCP.
How can I log in?Open a new tab, go to, and utilize the preferred student profile for your project. Find the training credentials by clicking here. If you don’t have access to the account file for security reasons, please request the MARCAPS Support Center, and we will send it to you privately.Open a new tab and go to, Veeva PromoMats uses single sign-on; consequently, you won’t need to type your credentials. Request access through the MARCAPS Support Center here

2. Create your first project in Assembler Online and open it

To build material through Assembler Online, the first step is always to make a copy of an Assembler Starter Template, which includes the channel and brand design systems, ready to modify.

Starter Templates are located on the Veeva Vault PromoMats’ Portal tab. You will find Global Starter Templates in the Global Portal under the “Starter Templates” widget (login instructions in previous paragraph #1).

You also have a PromoMats Training Environment for practicing and improving your skills. It is very similar to the real one. Go to the “Portal” tab at the top and click on the “Training Portal.” Once in the Training Portal, click on the Starter Template widget. (login instructions in previous paragraph #1)

In PromoMats, choose one Starter Template and open it. Users can create their copy by clicking on the action wheel at the top right and choosing “Make a copy.” Fill in the metadata correctly and save.

Return to Vault’s main home page by clicking on the little arrow next to the Portal icon at the top left. Users will find their copy on Veeva Vault PromoMats’ Library / My Library.

Check the article Shopping in Veeva Vault PromoMats: Starter templates for more details.

Open your copy through the action wheel icon at the top right, and select “Open with Assembler.” To help you, we have to Create a project and Open a project articles. Here is the process summary:

3. Layout your project

There’s a huge amount of possibilities for developing projects through Assembler Online. Explore by yourself all you can do it with it in our Assembler Academy Academy section, a complete set of Mini-Modules organized by levels. If you get stuck at some point, we recommend checking our Working with Assembler section, which is full of articles in every project stage. If still you don’t get your answer, review our FAQs or open a ticket in the Assembler area in the MARCAPS Support Center.

Assembler Online compatibility with Assembler Desktop 7

Generally, systems have no compatibility – Assembler 7 projects can only be opened with the desktop version. We recommend maintaining these projects created with the desktop application but not developing new content on the older platform, given the support will be discontinued. There’s only one retro-compatibility: Users can relate Assembler 7 StoryCards to Assembler Online projects. That means users can use all the Storycard’s content in their Assembler Online projects, finding them in the StoryCard section of the Asset Panel once they have been related.

Assembler Online compatibility with other systems: PDF Acrobat, Photoshop, illustrator…

As users might know, Assembler Online works with Photoshop and Illustrator image assets living in PromoMats. Consequently, Assembler Online recognizes the image components stored on PromoMats, but these images should: 

Assembler Online is not prepared to support materials/projects made with other tools such as Photoshop, InDesign, and HTML… for example. Assembler Online cannot open a PDF detail-aid stored in PromoMats.Your opinion counts

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